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FREE Printable Philippians 4:4
Faith Free Printables

FREE Printable Philippians 4:4

FREE Printable Philippians 4:4  Why FREE is important to me…For most of my adult life, as the mom of six, our family has struggled financially.  I personally know how hard it is to struggle to pay the bills, feed the kids, and to do without.  Things are starting to turn around for us, however offering as many FREE items to my readers is, and always will be, a part of the DNA at The Peaceful Haven.

Not only are there many FREE Printables to choose from, but we also have free tutorials, patterns, projects, and monthly give-a-ways for people on our email list.  You don’t have to do a thing.  It is a thank you for being here!

Now, that’s a reason to rejoice!


FREE Printable Philippians 4:4




The act of rejoicing is a game-changer.  It helps us to focus on the goodness of God, even in the most trying of circumstances.  Rejoicing always is the key to leading a meaningful and happy life.  It is not always easy, there is a cost but as believers, we always have something to rejoice about.  Jesus saved us from being separated from God. He made a way for us to have a relationship with a Holy, Perfect God and be forgiven for our sins!


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Faith Homemaking Printables

FREE Printable Matthew 19:14

FREE Printable Matthew 19:14…The disciples viewed children as a distraction from the work of Jesus, but He welcomed them as subjects of the kingdom and blessed them. How often do we think the same?

As a mother, your greatest work lies in making your children into dedicated disciples of Christ.  A better way to look at it is by loving them into the Kingdom.  Parenting is long, hard, and sacrificial.  Being a mother is a great gift and yet the hardest work you will ever do.  It must be done with the understanding that these precious children that have been given to you, actually belong to God.

Sometimes, we need gentle reminders around our home to help us regain focus. I don’t know about you but I am highly distractable and need all the help I can get to refocus on the work God has called me to do.  I like to decorate my home with scripture, it helps me to focus on the commandments of Christ and let the world slowly fade away.

I pray you will enjoy this month’s FREE PRINTABLE and that it will be an encouragement to you!



FREE Printable Matthew 19:14





Matthew 19:14 is one of my favorite scripture verses.  Jesus cuts to the truth of the matter and lovingly puts everyone in their place!  I need this from time to time.  God’s Word works that way with the help of the Holy Spirit.  It’s the only book that has ever been published to be interactive!




FREE How To Make Your Home A Peaceful Haven Plus The Complete Homemakers Kit
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