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Biblical Womanhood Faith Free

John 8:12 FREE Printable

I have been thinking a lot about John 8:12 lately, specifically Jesus being the light of the world and what this fact could mean on so many different levels.  Scripture is living and active for the true believer.  It is miraculous that way. I am so glad to present this John 8:12 FREE printable, Merry Christmas!

As a sufferer of Seasonal Affective Disorder, I struggle with the dark of this season.  Here in Ohio, it gets dark so early and the grey, cold days are hard to take.  We only get 178 half-sunny days a year here so people really suffer from the darkness, I can only imagine how hard it is in places like Alaska or Sweden.

Simply, Jesus is the light of the world, He is the HOPE of all who believe in Him and His redemption of all difficulties, sins, and all kinds of darkness in the world.  From the evil of North Korea, the sin that becomes a stronghold, and yes, even the oppressive darkness of winter that causes depression.  His love comes with a promise…Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life!



John 8:12 FREE Printable





Wishing you days filled with the light of Jesus!





View this profile on Instagram Janelle Esker 🌿 The Peaceful Haven (@thepeacefulhaven) • Instagram photos and videos